Dutch energy storage solutions manufacturer EST-Floattech has received DNV GL type approval for its Green Orca High Energy battery system, which features a passive protection system capable of withstanding a full thermal runaway. Tests of Green Orca, which also comes with a gas exhaust system to eliminate hazardous inflammable gases in the battery compartment, were conducted in accordance with IEC 62619 and regulations set by DNV GL. These tests were performed at cell, module and full system levels, and included a propagation test, external short-circuit test and forced discharge test, as well as an array of environmental tests, such as vibration, dry, damp and heat, and EMC. Manufactured based on EST-Floattechs so-called Safe by Design principle, the hardware and software that underpin the battery module are geared towards preventing thermal runaway from occurring. However, in the event of a thermal event, Green Orca does not require any active systems, such as a BMS, cooling system or external fire extinguisher, to maintain safety and control of the module. Green Orca is perhaps the safest energy storage system in the industry as it provides a last line of defence for onboard safety, without relying on an active safety system, said Paul van Wijk, commercial director, EST-Floattech. In the end, we all share responsibility for the safety of all souls on board a vessel, because you should never compromise on safety.
EST-Floattech receives DNV GL type approval for energy storage systems
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